Yes, you can DIY build a retaining wall. This is a structure that prevents soil erosion from causing problems in your yard. However, keep in mind that installing a retaining wall is a complex and time-consuming process. It’s important to think about it carefully before going ahead with such a project.

This article will answer the most commonly asked questions homeowners want to know when planning to DIY retaining walls in their properties.

Do I Need Drainage Behind a Retaining Wall?

Yes, you need to have drainage behind a retaining wall as keeping water from being around them is essential in preventing issues. The most common approach is using what’s called an ‘agg pipe.’

An agg pipe has holes that are designed to draw in storm water and redirect it toward an existing drainage system. Additionally, agg pipes reduce pressure in and around the retaining wall, which helps minimise erosion and settlement.

How Do You Backfill Behind a Retaining Wall?

To backfill behind a retaining wall, you’ll need to fill its base first with drainage aggregate such as scoria. Scoria is an igneous rock that is highly durable and effective in draining water from the soil.

Once scoria has been applied, you can then backfill the remaining space behind the retaining wall with soil.

Should I DIY build a Retaining Wall Over 1 Metre?

You shouldn’t DIY a retaining wall over 1 metre in height for a couple of reasons.

The first reason is that most states require a permit for a retaining wall above 1 metre. To obtain a permit, you’ll need a geotechnical soil report and an engineer to sign off on your construction project. Not only is this process time-consuming, but it will also be costly.

The second reason is that there are many factors to consider when it comes to retaining walls. Walls that go higher than 1 metre will require a professional’s insight and experience to ensure it stays structurally stable for years to come.

What Are the Best Sleepers to Use for a Retaining Wall?

The best sleepers you can use for a retaining wall are:

Timber Sleepers

Timber sleepers are a common type of sleeper used in retaining walls. These are the things you need to consider when choosing this type of sleeper material:

Advantages of Timber Sleepers

Disadvantages of Timber Sleepers

Concrete Sleepers

Another popular type of sleeper used in retaining walls is the concrete sleeper. The following are the things you should know about them:

Advantages of Concrete Sleepers

Disadvantages of Concrete Sleepers

If you’d like more information about the process of building a retaining wall, please see this blog.